Tree of Life Gemstone Pendant

1 51x49x2mm cast metal distorted hoop
150cm 24ga Artistic Wire
½ strand of gemstone chips
1 14x7mm triangle bead hanger bail
1 8cm jump ring
1 Leather cord

1. Divide the wire into six 25cm sections.

2. Take one 25cm section of wire and fold it approximately half way making one section of wire 3cm longer than the other. Sit the hoop so it sits in the fold. Now twist the longer section of wire around the hoop three times to secure the wire (Picture 1a)  Using the picture as a placement guide repeat this step to attach the other five wire sections (the roots of the tree) (Pic. 1b)

3. Create the trunk by bringing all the wire together in the centre and twisting for approx. 1cm.
(Pic. 3a) The end of the trunk should be sitting a little bit under half way. Now separate the wire sitting and spreading them out so the wire are grouped in their original six groups of two (Pic. 3b)

4. Take the two bottom right hand side’s group of wire (four strands) and twist for 0.5cm.
Re-separate so they sit in their original groups of two. (Pic. 4a) Start adding the gemstone chips (leaves of the tree). Thread on each of the bottom two strands some gemstone chips, so the chips sit comfortable under the hoop and secure the excess wire by wrapping around the edge of the hoop (Pic. 4b) Trim wire if needed. Now take the other two strands twist for 0.5cm (Pic. 4c) separate and add the gemstone strands.

5. Take the remaining four group of wires and twist together for 0.5cm. Separate into two groups of two sets - 4 strands each (Pic. 5a) Take the middle group of 2 sets and twist for another 0.5cm (Pic. 5b) Separate the wires out spreading the branches out to create the shape of the tree and add the gemstone leaves as in step 4.

6. Take the last two groups of wire and twist together for 0.5cm (Pic. 6) separate and add the gemstone leaves.

7. Take the 8cm jump ring and thread the top of the hoop and the bottom of the bead hanger. Hang on the leather cord.

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